Cute video: Cat competes with baby over stuffed piggy.

Cute video: cat competes with baby over stuffed pig Cute video: cat competes with baby over stuffed pig (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

The adorable video of a kitten competing with a baby for possession of a stuffed pig is melting the hearts of internet users!

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In the clip, Blossom, the baby, is seen taking the stuffed pig from Elliot, the cat. The plush, apparently bought for the baby, has become Elliot’s favorite toy during the time he was cared for by Blossom’s parents.

“When Blossom takes Elliot’s stuffed pig, he always tries to steal it back. Soon, Elliot will be leaving to go to a new home. Some of you asked if Elliot will be able to take the stuffed pig with him. The answer is yes. Because that pig no longer belongs to Blossom, but to Elliot.”

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“The sibling rivalry over the stuffed pig will end soon,” says the caption shared with the video, which has already received over 470 thousand views, along with more than 49 thousand likes and hundreds of comments from internet users who enjoyed the scene.

“I had to watch a second time to figure out who is Elliot and who is Blossom,” joked an Instagram user. “How adorable,” said another. “Awww. It’s so nice that he can keep his little pig,” commented a third internet user.

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